The most important information at a glance

1. The operator of the internet shop is: Ing. Zoltán Radványi - Interpopulart Slovakia, 93030 Rohovce 49, ID No .: 33465100.

2. We will alwThe most important information at a glance

3. We keep your data secure: Your data is stored in a protected database.

4. We do not store payment information: We realize that payment information is the most sensitive, so when paying for goods, we do not store any data on our servers, each transaction is exclusively on the bank's website.

5. We do not disclose information to you to third parties: we do not disclose, disclose, disclose or disclose your personal information to anyone other than organizations with whom cooperation is necessary to properly process your order and run our site.

6. You can change your information: You can change your account information at any time, including whether and what emails we send to you. Just sign in and visit - Sign in to your account - you can change your data here at any time.

7. To delete all of your personal information, you must close your account. If you want to close your account, please contact us at

Longer version

1. Purpose of providing personal data

Personal data provided by a natural or legal person who concludes a purchase contract with the online shop will be processed for the purpose of:

a) processing the order, i. order confirmation, tax document - invoice, delivery of goods
b) if you agree to receive promotional information for the purpose of promoting the online store and its products

2. What personal data do we process?

(a) the personal data needed to process the order: - first name, surname, residence, e-mail address, billing address, delivery address, contact telephone number.
(b) personal data required for registration: - first name, surname, residence, e-mail address, contact telephone number. v (c) personal data necessary for sending advertising information: - e-mail address

3. Disclosure of personal data to third parties
Only intermediaries can access personal data, without which our activities would not be possible. These include:
(a) an external accounting office
(b) web hosting provider
c) transport company: Slovenská pošta a.s. All intermediaries are obliged not to allow the data to be used for any other purpose.

At the end of the purpose of processing, personal data may only be further processed for the purposes necessary for statistical purposes, which is not considered incompatible with the original purpose of processing and at the same time the controller is obliged to mark them, anonymize them if unnecessary.
If required by law, we may be forced to disclose some data to another person (typically the police).

4. Personal information when paying for goods via electronic banking
If you use one of the versions of offered electronic banking to pay for the goods in our online store, we do not come into contact with any data such as login details. Payments are made directly on the Bank's website. This will provide us with information about the success of your payment and your name and account number so that we can identify the payment.

5. Treatment of personal data

We will protect personal data from damage, destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized access and disclosure, disclosure or disclosure, as well as from any other unacceptable means of processing. We will process personal data in accordance with good morals and act in a manner that is not contrary to law. Persons who come into contact with personal data will be familiar with how to process it.
As a data subject, you can exercise all of your rights in writing under Section 28 and Section 29 of the Act. If you suspect that your personal data are being processed illegally, you have the right to file a petition to initiate proceedings on the protection of personal data with the Office for Personal Data Protection of the Slovak Republic, with its registered office at Hraničná 12, 820 07 Bratislava.

6. Accuracy of personal data
The personal data provided by a natural person must be correct. If we find that we have been provided with an incorrect information or if we change your personal information, we must notify you. We will process your data correctly and update it if you change it.

7. Removing personal information
You can change your data in your account settings after signing in. To delete all your personal information, you must close your account. If you would like to close your account, please contact us at

8. Your privacy rights

You can exercise some of your rights (such as correcting or deleting data) through your account settings. You can contact us regarding your eligible requests, which cannot be automated via, as described below. You can revoke the consent to the processing of the personal data you have given us by closing your account. The protection of personal data is dealt with by Act 122/2013 Coll. on the protection of personal data.

9. Use of cookies

A cookie is a small text file that a web server can leave on the user's hard drive to identify it when the user reconnects. Each website can only read cookies sent by the user, not another. Cookies are assigned to only one anonymous user and do not allow access to personal, financial and other personal information. A cookie is not an executable file, it cannot be distributed, and does not contain a virus.

Our online shop uses two kinds of cookies:
a) temporary cookies - these remain stored in your browser's cookie file until you quit browsing, they are required for some applications and features in our online store
b) persistent cookies - these remain stored in your browser's cookie file for an extended period of time, persistent cookies allow you to send information to the web server every time someone visits the site

10. Contact us

The operator of the information system is: Ing. Zoltán Radványi - Interpopulart Slovakia, 93030 Rohovce 49, ID No .: 33465100

European framework:
Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union
Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46 / EC (General Data Protection Regulation, GDPR)

National legislation:
Constitution of the Slovak Republic (published under No. 460/1992 Coll.)
Act no. 18/2018 Coll. on the protection of personal data and on amendments to certain acts, as amended.

Users of the information system agree that the Operator processes their personal data to the extent specified. The consent is valid for 10 years and can be revoked at any time by the user.

In Rohovce, 06.01.2020.